Monday, June 13, 2011

Day Nine; Pesaro (Cin Cin...Cin...Cin, Cin!!!)

                Another fantastic breakfast! Is it bad that I’m beginning to expect it? I feel like it is, but right now I don’t care. I DEMAND DELICIOUS BREAKFAST! Ha well today we got moving a little earlier and decided that we must see Pesaro. And we did. We took a little tour in the downtown area, which is filled with modern shops everywhere but it feels wrong because everything around is so very old.

We passed by an old building and really it wasn’t too remarkable but Rossini was born there and so it was something special. Just touring the house and being inside of it was neat because I really never heard of the guy, only his music, which I really like and so do a lot of you. It’s really weird to think that someone so famous and well known was literally birthed in that house. Increadible.

After the Rossini house we took a few steps to the oldest church in Pesaro, which was finished in the 13th century. Underneath of that church is a church that is actually 5 centuries older that that one which si amazing. The church has glass tiles on the floor so you can look down at it. It’s also a very beautiful church.

But of course in Europe fantastic isn’t fantastic enough for us so we toured in the downtown area some more until we came to the market place that Cristiano’s wife Simona frequents. It’s awesome it’s just like a farmers market, only a lot nicer and better (because everything is better in Europe I’m quickly finding)

After our tour we headed over to Cristiano’s for a “quick” lunch. I’m really not sure what qualifies as quick here in Italy because everything that was supposed to be quick has really been more like 3 hours. But I can’t complain because the food is great and the company is even better. We finished and headed home to go to our default plan of beach going. The beach was a lot colder today and the people a lot scarcer.

 Now before dinner Cristiano wanted to take us to this place that was supposed to have a fantastic view. Fantastic view? Does this look fantastic to you?

Fantastic isn’t able to describe the pure majesty of the sight, it’s awe-inspiring and just unbeatable. And this time I mean the view is unbeatable. We drove up the road we were on a little more to reach this very old walled in city. This city is really cool to me not only because it also possess the majestic view of the sea but it is also a location named by Dante in one of his poems. He says that when you sin against someone you are thrown from the top of this city into the ocean, which is quite the fall.

We had delicious pizza in a quaint café that overlooks the beauty and headed on back, but not before stroller drama hah. Well not much to say other than last night my mom accidentally locked Cristiano’s mom out of the house and it was 2:30am before anyone heard her banging and knocking at the door, she said she was there for 20 minutes! Poor thing! Anyway, ciao ciao!

1 comment:

  1. I did not lock her out of the house. I was THE ONLY ONE who heard her ringing the bell so I saved her from having to sleep in the garage. I am actually the heroine of the story, as well as one of four suspects who could have been responsible for locking her out of her own house. Just to clarify...
